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Envoy version 1.8.6 is now available!

We’re excited to announce that the latest version of Envoy—1.8.6—is now available on all your favorite mobile platforms! To download it, simply visit our download page or check for updates on your platform of choice.

Please note that there can be a significant lag from publishing to general availability due to Apple App Store and Google Play Store review policies and delays.

What’s changed

In Envoy v1.8.6, we’ve focused on small bug fixes to prepare the app for the upcoming Passport Prime integration.

For more details on each of the changes, keep reading below!

New Features

  • After several requests from customers, the “Buy” button is now fully removed from the main view if this option is disabled from settings.


  • We updated the Support area of Envoy to remove the link to our now read-only Telegram channel, and included a link to our new community

  • The Bitcoin ATM map will now retrieve the information from OpenStreetMaps, allowing people to add new spots where bitcoin can be bought and see this reflected in Envoy. Open Source is the way!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue impacting some users where sometimes after deleting a hot wallet or a passport account Envoy could crash and could prevent some users form logging back in.

  • Fixed a rare bug where if the user deleted the Envoy app and reinstalled it later on, the seed could be displayed as “empty” even though the app recovered just fine.

  • Fixed a small bug where if no accounts were ever created nor paired, the Buy button was grayed out but still active.

  • Fixed a rare bug where under certain circumstances the destination address field could show as blank when reviewing a sending transaction.

  • Fixed a minor visual bug where one specific button under a niche scenario did not follow our design pattern.

  • Fixed a couple of minor vertical alignment issues in some texts and icons.

  • Smoothened a couple of transitions to make the UX a bit more fluid.

  • Fixed a minor visual issue where sometimes the amount of bitcoin would display as 0.0000000 instead of 0 in the send screen.

  • Fixed a small visual bug where scanning a BIP21 code with a defined amount wouldn’t fill all the trailing zeroes when the sending unit was Bitcoin.

  • Fixed a rare instance where the back arrow could be displayed twice under some menus.

Verifying Envoy on Android

If you’d like to take the optional additional step of verifying Envoy binaries on Android, follow our guide: Verifying Envoy on Android