At Foundation Devices, we strive to make tools that are powerful, elegant, and easy to use. Judging from the results of our customer surveys, we’re off to a good start – but we can always do more!
Bitcoin attracts users from different backgrounds and skill sets, from complete beginners purchasing their very first hardware wallet, to expert users buying an additional signing device to compliment their geographically distributed multisig quorum.
Expert users are unlikely to need the same level of hand holding as those just starting their Bitcoin journey, but we want to ensure that no sovereign individual gets left behind. Because of this, we’ve been working hard to improve our content and support options so that everyone can use Passport to its fullest potential.
At the end of 2021 we migrated our user documentation from GitBook to our own self hosted docs site thanks to the great Free and Open Source (FOSS) tool Wiki.js. We think the new layout and improved structure is easier and quicker to navigate. If videos are your thing, we have you covered with a growing collection of ~50 videos on everything from setting up Passport to creating your first sovereign multisig setup with tools like Specter and Sparrow Wallet.
Behind the scenes we’ve also migrated to our own self hosted help desk software thanks to another great FOSS tool, FreeScout. Whilst this shift might seem trivial, the move has allowed us to implement some really cool features to better support you while keeping your data safe. They include:
live chat
Got a burning question that you can’t find an answer to via our docs? You can now message us during business hours for a quick reply from one of our team members. The live chat is present on both our documentation and our main website; just click the small blue chat icon on the bottom right of your screen.
Twitter Direct Messages
If you follow us on Twitter already (follow us @FOUNDATIONdvcs if not!), one of the simplest ways for you to reach our expert support staff is to send us a direct message on Twitter, ensuring that even when you’re scrolling Twitter you have access to support where and when you need it.
telegram bot
Are you an avid Telegram user? Yeah, us too! We have a vibrant and growing community chat which you can find here. However, sometimes you may have a question that you don’t want to ask in front of hundreds of other users. To fix this, we now have our very own Telegram Bot (@FoundationDevicesBot), waiting to help you – in private – with any questions or issues. Messages sent to our Telegram bot will be picked up by the same expert support team that answers our online live chat.
pgp protected emails
PGP provides the ultimate way in which to communicate via even the most insecure mediums. We are really excited that our more privacy conscious users can now communicate with us in a fully encrypted fashion. This makes asking even the most sensitive of questions completely secure and private, even in the extremely unlikely event that our email server were to be compromised.
Simply send us an email at [email protected] using our PGP email contact key, include your own PGP public key to the email so we can respond, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with truly privacy-preserving communications.